Isogeo - Administrator's guide¶
Isogeo is a web application that lets you manage and share an exhaustive, up-to-date and documented catalog of your geographic data.
This website is the main knowledge base on Isogeo administration interfaces: operation, architecture, installation, configuration... If you encounter difficulties that you can't solve with this online help, please contact support.
Platform, modules and third-party applications¶
Isogeo is the SaaS or On premises platform built around its REST API and composed of :
- standard modules, essential for its use, first and foremost the APP administration application in SaaS;
- optional modules that are tightly integrated into the core of the platform. These includeOpenCatalog, CSW and DCAT servers, Scan FME and Workgroup Sharing;
- third-party applications, using the Isogeo API in independent software interfaces to add value to native functions, such as the QGIS and ArcGIS Pro plug-ins, the AppBuilder Web Widget or the Data Portal.

Date of last update of this documentation :