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Isogeo administration solution. It enables geographic data managers to manage and enhance their geographic data catalogs on the web.


A coherent set of metadata sheets. Allows you to organize your inventory by distribution level (internal, partner, external, etc.), project, theme, status (to be completed, checked, deleted, duplicates, etc.).

Geographical data

Representation of a real or imaginary object or phenomenon, present, past or future, located in space at a given moment and whatever the dimension and scale of representation.

Raster data

A raster representation (scanned plans, aerial photographs, satellite images) of a real or imaginary, present, past or future object or phenomenon, located in space at a given time and regardless of the size and scale of the representation.

Vector data

Geometric representation (point, line, polygon) of a real or imaginary, present, past or future object or phenomenon, located in space at a given moment and regardless of the size and scale of the representation.

Non-geographic tabular data

Tabular representation of a real or imaginary, present, past or future object or phenomenon that can be located indirectly, i.e. without geometry.

Data set

A dataset is a coherent grouping of data designed and used according to a dominant theme. For example, the PLU, the BD Topo or the Cadastre are considered to be datasets.

Working group

In Isogeo, the reading unit is the geographic data asset: each asset has its own workgroup! A workgroup is a group of users (administrators, editors or readers) working on an asset (= inventory). A user can belong to several workgroups, at different levels according to each group. Workgroups can share catalogs between themselves.


Inspire is a European directive in force since 2007. It aims to improve environmental protection through the sharing and reuse of geographic data. The Directive obliges data producers to catalog and share their geographic data on the web.


An exhaustive list of the resources making up a data asset. With Isogeo, it corresponds to a workgroup, and is kept up to date and documented.


Data defining and/or describing other data. We can think of it as the data's identity card, specifying, for example, when the data was created, by whom and how. Metadata is essential information for data searches and exchanges with colleagues, partners, customers or the general public. In Isogeo, we distinguish between 5 types of metadata. Metadata relating to vector data, raster data, datasets, data services and resources.

Open Catalog

Geographic data search solution, published by Isogeo. It enables users of geographic data to search, evaluate and exploit geographic data made available by managers via APP


A Web platform is a set of coherent software bricks that provide a service directly accessible via an Internet connection.

Entry point

An entry point is the connection between the scan and the data source to be counted (database, file server).


The owner corresponds to the workgroup that created the metadata record on the Isogeo platform.


Isogeo is designed for geographic data and services. But you can also catalog your other "resources": PDF maps, spreadsheets, applications, etc.

Associated resource

An associated resource is a link from the metadata record to the service enabling it to be viewed (WMS), downloaded (WFS) or transformed (WPS), or to the raw file (shapefile, geojson, etc.), PDF map, business application, etc.


Windows service linked to the Isogeo platform, responsible for automatically compiling all data into a single, exhaustive inventory.

Data service

A web service is a computer program that enables communication and data exchange between heterogeneous applications and systems in distributed environments. It is therefore a set of functionalities exposed on the Internet or an Intranet, by and for applications or machines, without human intervention and in real time. In geomatics, a web service is a service that enables data to be handled remotely.

We can identify several types of services covering different functional domains:

  • Search service: CSW (Catalog Service Web) ;
  • Query service: WMS (Web map Service), WFS (Web feature Service), ESRI Map Service, etc ;
  • Download service: WFS (Web Feature Service) ;
  • Transformation service: WPS (Web Processing Service).


Web Feature Service (WFS) is an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard for viewing, managing and dynamically downloading georeferenced vector data.


Web Map Service (WMS) is an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard for dynamically producing maps (images) from georeferenced data. Its implementation requires a client capable of requesting the display of data, and a server capable of accessing, reading and drawing the data in image form.