Key words ¶
In Isogeo, keywords are managed centrally in what is known as the Isogeo thesaurus. When tagging, each workgroup draws from this thesaurus or contributes a keyword if it doesn't already exist, thus creating its own thesaurus. This thesaurus is merely a "view" of the platform's global thesaurus.
Get an overview of the Isogeo thesaurus and the working group¶
Each keyword, whether assigned to workgroup data or not, is qualified by its number of occurrences throughout Isogeo and the workgroup.
Via the Administration tab¶
Like the coordinate systems page, this interface enables the administrators of each workgroup to browse the Isogeo thesaurus and all the keywords present in their workgroup.
Go directly to keywords.

Detailed operation :
- on the left, the list of keywords and their number of occurrences in the Isogeo thesaurus. You can search within the thesaurus and add keywords to your workgroup's list when the list is restricted.
- on the right, the list of keywords assigned to at least one metadata belonging to the workgroup.

Filter and sorting operation¶
- when no search is active, keywords are by default sorted by number of hits
- when a search is launched, keywords are sorted according to their match score with the characters entered.

Update 2.21.0 also adds the ability to sort by number of occurrences and alphabetically by clicking on the and Name column headers.
When it comes to labelling¶
The editor has information on the representativeness of keywords when tagging one or more data items.
When tagging, an administrator or metadata editor can find out how many times the keyword is used in his or her workgroup and in the entire Isogeo platform, and be guided in his or her choice.
See the page dedicated to labeling.
Harmonizing labeling¶
As an administrator, you can restrict the list of keywords available for tagging, to guide editors in their choice of keywords. This ensures a certain consistency and homogeneity in the working group's thesaurus.
If the administrator has restricted the list of available keywords¶
When the list is active :
- only the keywords in the list are available for assignment by an administrator or editor;
- only an administrator can create a new keyword via the administration interface.

If the list of keywords is not restricted ¶
When the list is not active :
- all keywords are available for assignment by an administrator or editor ;
- an administrator or editor can create a new keyword, which is added to the Isogeo thesaurus and workgroup.

Harmonize keyword display¶
In addition to being able to frame consistency at the time of entry, the administrator can choose how keywords are displayed during search and consultation.
you can choose how keywords are displayed:
- in lower case ;
- Capitalizing On The First Letter ;
- Capitalize on the first letter of the first word.

In shares¶
This choice of display is not limited to APP, and is also reflected in the sharing interfaces. OpenCatalog and the CSW server will use the choice made by the workgroup that created the share.
In the case of third-party applications (GIS plug-ins, web portals, etc.), the option chosen by the workgroup administrator is transmitted via the API, and a distinction must be made between 3 cases:
if the application is fed by a single workgroup: the team in charge of developing the application can automatically apply the ;
if the application is fed by several workgroups and all participating workgroups have the same option: identical behavior;
if the application is fed by several workgroups and not all participating workgroups have the same option: the team in charge of developing the application will have to implement the possibility of choosing the parameterization at application level.