Quality" tab¶
The "Quality" tab specifies the specifications used to collect and control the data, as well as the results of topological consistency tests;

Compliance with specifications ¶
Definition | Indicates whether the dataset complies with the technical specifications that governed its production |
Indications | Specifications can be one of the official standards (Covadis, CNIG, INSPIRE...) or a set of specific technical requirements (CCTP, CCAP...). It is therefore necessary to indicate which specification the data is linked to, and whether or not it conforms to it. Conformity is a declaration that is the sole responsibility of the producer, and there are no plans to control this declaration in France. A data item may meet one or more specifications (INSPIRE and CNIG, for example). |
Example | INSPIRE Guide to Geographic Mesh Systems - Compliant |
INSPIRE requirement | Mandatory |
Batch editing | Yes, incremental |
Scan | No |
Search engine | No |
Resource sheet | No |
Service sheet | Yes |
Topological consistency ¶
Definition | Description of the strictly technical quality of the data |
Indications | Describe the measurements taken and the qualitative and quantitative results obtained. Even if this information only concerns data in the Hydrography, Transportation and Utilities themes, it is a guarantee of cataloguing quality. |
Example | Simple topology. The geometry, taken from the unified database, is simplified by deleting and distributing intermediate points. The properties of this "generalization" operation are as follows: - The topology and neighborhood relationships between communes, cantons, arrondissements and départements are preserved; - The vertices of the graph of communal, cantonal, arrondissement and département boundaries are not moved; - Between a generalized boundary of the "LIMITES" classes (communal, cantonal, arrondissement and département) and its non-generalized counterpart in the unified database, the maximum distance is 1000 meters. |
INSPIRE requirement | Mandatory only for INSPIRE data in the Hydrography and Transportation Networks and Utilities themes. |
Batch editing | Yes, by crushing |
Scan | No |
Search engine | No |
Resource sheet | No |
Service sheet | No |