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Methodology for filling in metadata

Creating and sharing a comprehensive, documented catalog of your GIS data is easy. Just follow the steps below:

Overall cataloguing project process

Key stages in the methodology
The stages of a cataloguing project

This work process needs to be understood with an iterative dimension. The aim is to approach the management of data assets in a progressive way: start by closing the process on a sample of data, then capitalize on it to adapt the cataloguing rules by closing the process again.

Little by little, you'll be able to automate your cataloguing process and reduce the time you spend on it to a minimum.

The cycles of effective documentation

In concrete terms, here's how we recommend you proceed to make cataloguing easier:

  1. Select data with the most common denominators and batch-edit (anything generic);

  2. Open each file in a different tab and fill in the essential specific information (title, contacts...);

  3. Add specific information (attributes, associated resources, etc.) to each file.

Documentation cycles
Cataloguing methodology iterations

Available resources

Input guides

The Metadata Working Group, made up of members of the CNIG's Liaison Group and GeoSource Working Group, led by M. Léobet and whose secretariat was provided by E. Roos, has created national recommendation guides concerning INSPIRE metadata for datasets and dataset sets. They are intended for those who have to enter metadata, and help meet the obligations imposed by the regulations.

As an active member of this working group, Isogeo will support you in the data entry process.

Examples of metadata

In order to provide you with complete data sheet templates, we have documented some of the Topo database data: