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Details and special cases concerning the use of services

Where does this service metadata that Isogeo adds automatically come from?

Any geographic server that implements the standards must describe its technical capabilities (the famous " capabilities") and allow its administrator to indicate a point of contact, keywords and a brief description of the server.

Example in ArcGIS Server

For Esri services, this is done via the "Feature description" menu in the ArcGIS Server Manager and directly in the MXD file document properties:

Type of information Data entry interface
General service information ArcGIS Server Manager
Information in MXD ArcGIS Server Manager

Example in GeoServer

Dedicated pages are available in the GeoServer interface (reference version: 2.10):

Service URL type
Point of contact [url_server:port]/geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.ContactPage
WFS [url_server:port]/geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.wfs.web.WFSAdminPage
WMS [url_server:port]/geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.wms.web.WMSAdminPage
WMTS [url_server:port]/geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.gwc.web.wmts.WMTSAdminPage
WMS GeoServer
WMS GetCapabilities documentation interface in GeoServer

Why isn't my service scanned automatically?

Error services

In this case, there are several possible reasons:

Duplicate layer names

Since the names of a service's layers serve as unique identifiers, the administrator of a geographic service must ensure that they are unique, so as to avoid ambiguity. Ideally, they should avoid the classic pitfalls of special characters:

Services error: duplicated layers
Duplicate service layer names

Services not available through * domains

A service (or more precisely its capacities) may be inaccessible to the platform for several reasons (which may be cumulative):

  • it is only accessible internally (intranet);
  • it is protected by authentication (login/password, etc.).

As Isogeo is a SaaS solution, it is not possible to scan the service automatically from its URL. There are two possible solutions.

1. Configure your network infrastructure to allow Isogeo domains

To enable automatic identification and consultation of internal geographic services, the network administrator can authorize requests from the :


2. Import service capacities as a file

Geographic service capacities are nothing more and nothing less than standardized files (XML for OGC services, JSON for Esri services). It is therefore possible to import them from the interface to fill in the metadata automatically.

3. List the service and its layers manually

In any case, it is always possible to document the service card manually.

Unreachable services

It may simply happen that the service is unreachable at the time the file is created. As the service scan is dependent on the state of the servers, you need to wait for a moment of respite from the server and click on Update.

Services update
Click on Refresh to update the information in the service records.

Prerequisites not met

The service does not meet the prerequisites (format, version...): write to support detailing the configuration of the geographic server. We may decide to support it in a future version. In the meantime, you can list each layer manually.

What happens if one of the layers already associated is deleted from my geographic server?

Isogeo does not regularly check the validity or availability of services. The association therefore remains in place until a manual update is triggered.

What happens if I delete the service metadata sheet?

All associations between service layers and data are automatically deleted.