CSW harvesting by the national Geocatalog¶
The national GeoCatalog is France's INSPIRE node
. It harvests the various CSW servers in France and its overseas dependencies. It enables users to search for and access geographic data and services produced and catalogued by the French government, public institutions, local authorities and other public organizations involved in this federative cataloguing approach.
Each member organization can add its CSW services for harvesting via its account administration. Its metadata records are then automatically added to the national catalog.
Overall process¶
Create your account¶
The geocatalog site does not seem to handle direct links correctly. You may therefore be systematically redirected to the home page.
First of all, you need to have a member account. If you don't have one, you can request one on the GeoCatalog via the dedicated form (menu "Cataloguer" > "Mon compte" > bottom: "Créer en ligne votre compte");
You will then receive an email (see below) asking you to confirm your status as a public body by return;
Nous avons bien reçu votre demande de création de compte et nous vous remercions de votre intérêt pour le Géocatalogue. Nous tenons à préciser que le Géocatalogue permet de rechercher et consulter les métadonnées sans qu'il soit nécessaire de s'inscrire en ligne. L'inscription en ligne est adressée aux autorités publiques qui souhaitent publier leurs métadonnées géographiques, en accord avec la Directive européenne INSPIRE (voir les conditions d'utilisation du Géocatalogue). Si vous êtes dans cette configuration nous vous remercions de nous le confirmer en réponse à ce mail. Nous vous ferons alors parvenir un identifiant et un mot de passe vous permettant de cataloguer vos métadonnées.
Once your request has been processed, you will receive an email with the connection parameters;
Votre inscription au GéoCatalogue a été prise en compte. Détail de votre inscription : Organisation : isogeo Nom : Isogeo Adresse électronique : contact@isogeo.fr Identifiant de connexion : isogeo Mot de passe : M@uX2pAs7
Since 2018, it seems that accounts are activated without any confirmation.
Add your CSW¶
Once authenticated, go to the "Manage my harvesting points" menu;
Add your entry point. In the second section,
List of CSW harvesting points
, click onAdd;
Name its entry point ;
In the address field, add the URL supplied by Isogeo, removing the URL parameters, i.e. everything to the right of the
character; everything in red in this example:http://api.isogeo.com/services/ows/s/77c4ab4d358d47e9aff30b550df007f9/c/27fb10c606ed40d89673130bb12b44ed/_O0ZrGFaAOC2XImyQb5UneFcyXLD0?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetCapabilities;
Select the desired harvesting frequency ;
fields blank; -
Indicate the number of metadata to be harvested, knowing that :
- 0 is a valid value: no record will be harvested. Not recommended;
- if this number is lower than the number of records in the CSW, only the indicated number of records will be harvested, with no guarantee of order (no sorting). Not recommended;
- if this number is greater than the number of cards, all cards will be harvested. Recommended.
Select the
protocol; -
Leave the
Source catalog
field blank; -
Validate and click on
Start harvesting on this point
(double green arrow down): a popup informs you when harvesting is complete and a notification is sent to you by email:Bonjour, Le point "Isogeo" a été visité et 2 métadonnée(s) ont été moissonnées : - Fichier urn:isogeo:metadata:uuid:56ed291a-f72f-46dc-9835-fc9ae29fe938 ("Stades de la coupe du monde de football - 2014") avec succès. - Fichier urn:isogeo:metadata:uuid:9dc817d4-ed0b-4026-97cf-e1007a410f0c ("Cantons - France métropolitaine - 2013") avec succès. Veuillez ne pas répondre à ce mail. Merci de votre participation. Le GéoCatalogue.
Here's how it works:

The national GeoCatalog is managed by BRGM, with whom we work to ensure interoperability between our platforms. Isogeo ensures that CSWs are generated in compliance with standards. However, we cannot respond to anomalies linked to the GeoCatalog (or to other platforms).
Please do not hesitate to contact the National GeoCatalog team if you have any problems.