Release notes for the main platform modules¶
2.23.3 - 27/01/2025
- Actualización de los enlaces a las redes sociales de Isogeo.
2.23.2 - 02/12/24
- Case-sensitive attributes can now be selected when importing attributes into a record;
- Users logging in with OKTA now have the IFrame scan in the administration interface.
2.23.1 - 19/11/24
- Service links in the 'Identification' tab of service metadata sheets are now hyperlinks.
2.23.0 - 06/11/24
- The detection of geographic services when creating files is updated;
- The interface is available in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese;
- The Sandre is now available as a reference contact.
2.22.25 - 16/10/24
- The scan is no longer in Iframe in Isogeo, it is displayed in a new tab;
- Improved display of the 'Resources' tab in Isogeo sheets.
2.22.24 - 25/09/24
- Update of the interface of the 'Resources' tab of the metadata sheets;
- Distinction between layer groups and layers in the 'Resources' tab of metadata sheets.
2.22.23 - 09/09/24
- Corrected display when performing a text search in the inventory.
2.22.22 - 03/09/24
- Corrected display when performing a text search in the inventory.
2.22.21 - 30/07/24
- Updating an online help link ;
- Graphical correction of the application list.
2.22.20 - 11/07/24
- Links to online help updated.
2.22.19 - 10/07/24
- Markdown help updated ;
- Clarification of the labeling interface for shared cards.
2.22.18 - 06/06/24
- Minor bug fixes.
2.22.17 - 25/04/24
- Minor bug fixes.
2.22.15 - 29/02/24
- Generation of the url to the Ckan module in the share interface.
2.22.14 - 22/02/24
- Added CSV import of metadata sheet attributes.
2.22.13 - 08/02/24
- Added customization of the map background (XYZ) in the administration tab.
- Retrieve and send background map information to the database.
- OpenCatalog :
- The background map adapts to the one entered in the APP administration interface.
2.22.12 - 01/02/24
- Added export of metadata sheet attributes in CSV format.
2.22.11 - 16/01/23
- Resolved change of sorting direction in inventory when selecting a filter;
- Fixed disappearance of share search in administration tab ;
- Possibility of adding an Inspire directive to a service record.
2.22.9 - 27/07/23
- various patches.
2.22.7 - xx/07/23
- various patches.
2.22.6 - 06/06/23
- added Okta SSO multi-tenant authentication ;
- added a search route for keywords by their text ;
- latest versions of Oracle and PostGIS data formats added.
2.22.5 - 03/05/23
- service layer groups taken into account ;
- improved performance of the layer creation route with the
parameter set.
2.22.3 - 23/03/23
- taking service tables into account ;
- added the possibility of associating a service layer/table with several metadata records at once;
- added the possibility of associating several layers/tables from the same service with the same metadata record;
- modification of the display of service layers/tables in the Resources tab.
- added a
parameter to the request to create a service layer for automating associations.
2.22.0 - 29/11/22
- first version On Premises ;
- updating specifications and licenses ;
- 10.9 and 10.9.1 formats added to Esri services ;
- display of the number of times Inspire themes, catalogs or topics are assigned in the labeling tab ;
- fixed a bug when deleting attributes ;
- better time zone management ;
- minor bug fixes.
2.21.3 - 16/06/22
- improving the accuracy and relevance of text search results ;
- change default sort order from record creation date to record last modified date ;
- add filters on address book contacts and reference contacts when adding a contact to a metadata record;
- increase from 20 to 100 proposed results when creating an association between a service layer and a piece of data. - 05/05/22
- the choice of the number of cards per page in the inventory is now displayed at the top, next to the sorting options, and has been increased to a maximum of 100 cards per page;
- the choice of sort is preserved from one search to the next;
- filtering on "No keyword" in a search no longer excludes Inspire themes and topics from the search;
- removal of warning message on opening Microsoft Edge ;
- removal of the possibility of associating layers with resource cards;
- deletion of the topological consistency field for Rasters files.
2.21.1-0 - 31/01/22
- added new record type "Non-geographic tabular data" :
- tabs Identification, History, Geography, Quality, Attributes, UGC, Resources, Contacts ;
- specific formats added (XSLX, XLS, CSV, TSV, ODS) and existing formats taken into account;
- compatibility with existing tools (search engine, labeling, third-party applications, spreadsheet export).
2.21.0-0 - 03/12/21
- add themes :
- creation of a database thesaurus of themes;
- possibility of assigning and filtering on themes ;
- Administration: group themes can be managed from a dedicated tab.
- add XLSX or CSV export of inventory search records ;
- fixed a bug that prevented the thumbnail from being displayed after a keyword had been assigned to a metadata record;
- Administration: the number of keywords displayed in the keywords tab has been increased from 15 to 30, and a sorting system by number of occurrences or alphabetical order has been added;
- Administration: change tab order ;
- added ability to create a share to the DCAT server.
- ability to filter metadata records according to data name or location with the "name:data-name" and "path:data-location" filters.
2.20.2-11 - 27/08/21
- in the administration tab, the user remains in the active tab (All, My catalogs, Others) after deleting a catalog, license or specification;
- fixed a bug that sometimes prevented new data or links from being added to a metadata record;
- improved attribute editing system ;
- addition of specific thumbnails according to resource type, which are displayed if no right-of-way is specified;
- display the right-of-way in the thumbnail of the detailed sheet, if available.
2.20.2-10 - 21/08/21
- improved retrieval and display of geographic service layers ;
- improved detection of geographic services when the file is created ;
- possibility of deleting a contact from the Address Book even if it is still associated with one or more cards;
- corrected a bug in the tagging system that suggested re-creating an existing keyword (for example, with the keyword "water");
- advanced search parameters no longer disappear after all metadata records have been deselected;
- switch all Bing Maps backgrounds to Open Layers ;
- by default, the Shares tab proposes the creation of a new application share instead of a group share;
- aPP takes into account attribute aliases from the Isogeo scan.
- geographic service records are no longer automatically renamed when data is updated;
- improved service layer detection system.
2.20.2-3 - 23/11/20
- in the Shares tab, in a group share, remove the "I authorize the recipients of this share to distribute these catalogs" button;
- fixed a bug in the Specifications and Licenses tabs that was not displaying everything when returning to the "All" tab;
- improved recognition of OGC services when creating a manual file.
- fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of a group or catalog in a group share.
- hTTPS protocol enabled for Isogeo online help.
2.20.2-2 - 27/10/20
- update project dependencies ;
- possibility of filtering on a group by clicking on the owner tag of a file;
- fixed a bug when creating a keyword: it is now automatically assigned ;
- replacing Bing Maps with OpenStreetMaps.
- increase Access Token duration to avoid disconnections during large batch editions.
- relocation of the database to France to reduce latency, particularly when executing batch editions.
2.19 - 19/12/17¶
Consult :
- mail sent to users;
- the blog post.
- improved response times thanks to the migration of database primary keys.
- import metadata for internal (private) services via the capacity file import.
- GitBook version 3.2.x ;
- accelerated search ;
- new chapters ;
- folding menus ;
- version notes on a single page.
2.18 - 31/03/17¶
Consult :
- mail sent to users;
- the blog post.
- the action:view|download filter takes into account dynamic associations between service layers and data.
Enhanced metadata for geographic services :
- added support for older versions of OGC standards (WMS 1.1.0, WFS 1.0) or version 10.5 of Esri-specific formats (Map Service and Feature Service);
- better management of Esri ;
- improved dynamic association interface between a service layer and a data record;
- wFS namespace management.
Batch deletion of metadata.
- release of version 1.5 of the QGIS plugin (see documentation) ;
- addition of refined rights management and redesign of the cartographic search module in the generic data portal.
2.17 - 13/01/16¶
Consult :
- added parameters for new service metadata(layers, operations, serviceLayers).
- new metadata for geographic services :
- automated census based on URLs of standardized geographic services (WFS, WMS, WMTS) and Esri (Feature, Map, Tile);
- dynamic association between a service layer and a data record ;
- search in service layers.
- new interface for managing associated resources.
- release of version 1 of the QGIS plugin (see documentation) ;
- new management of contextual filters in the generic data portal.
2.16 - 05/12/16¶
Consult :
- new authentication mechanism for user applications ;
- search for resources by ID, contact and license ;
possibility of recovering the global convex envelope of results :
- Warning: returns a null value if data covers the entire planet;
- Note: coordinates are expressed to 12 decimal places, so reduce to 3.
search results can be sorted by relevance :
- added "relevance" sort parameter to display search results according to the score of each record ;
- the score is calculated according to the number of times the search term appears exactly in the title and name of the data item.
- Improvements and use cases :
- Sub-resources (specifications, licenses, contacts, etc.) are now managed in modal windows;
- All resources and sub-resources are now loaded in a single request.
- use case: edit all the fields in a form, without having to save sub-resources when changing tabs and risking losing them;
- use case: save and cancel all entered resources and sub-resources in a single operation.
Editing metadata records :
- Benefits :
- reduce data entry time (time savings) ;
- improve the experience of catalog contributors.
- Improvements and use cases :
Search engine :
Background (internal info) :
- While we're waiting for a change in technology (elastic search, etc.), we've decided to improve the current engine;
- These improvements are "compatible" with the planned technologies.
Improvements and use cases :
search for resources by license :
- use case: what open-license data is available in this catalog?
search for resources by contact :
- use case: what data does Julien from Observatoire du logement manage?
search results are now sorted by "relevance" and then by "metadata record creation date (descending order)":
- use case: which resources contain the word "PLU" in their title or name?
- operation :
- relevance is calculated according to the number of times the search term appears exactly in the title, data name, keywords, summary and INSPIRE themes;
- the search term is highlighted in yellow on the results page.
Benefits :
- reduce the time spent searching for and documenting resources ;
- improve the experience of users searching for data in inventory and catalogs (APP, OC and API).
Dashboard :
- A new indicator has been added: distribution of data by contact ;
- number of hits per contact and license added ;
- added a shortcut to view linked files.
- blocking of the "delete" button when the number of occurrences of a contact / license / spefs is greater than 0.
Others :
- The workgroup ID is now included in the URLs of APP pages;
- Optimizing the search widget update system ;
- Page title contextualized in the browser tab, no more "Solution Isogeo....".
- iSO19139 metadata sheets are generated in batches;
- the following queryables have been added: AlternateTitle, OrganizationName.
Updated scripts for FME 2016 :
- The FME scripts for reading data have been updated to work with FME Desktop version 2016. A new version of the service is available;
- Users who have previously scanned their data with FME 2015 will see all their data indicated as modified, and an event in the data history will be automatically created.
3 New formats :
- Spatialite ;
- GML:
- only the first layer;
- NB: in a future version, all layers will be the subject of a metadata sheet. This will also be the case for KML files.
- To be scanned, the file must contain at least 3 attribute columns (X, Y and Z) separated by spaces;
- The scan returns the following information: location, number of features, feature type (point) and format. Note that the right-of-way, coordinate system and list of attribute fields are not returned.
Queries :
- It is possible to open a metadata sheet from the list of registered data;
- The form opens in a new browser tab and in the "History" section;
- NB: if the file has just been created, you need to refresh the page to open it in a new tab.
2.15 - 08/05/17¶
Consult :
- new routes and parameters for keyword management ;
- route to retrieve share information.
- New keyword management :
- administrators can now restrict the list of keywords that can be used by editors in the workgroup;
- keywords are accompanied by their number of occurrences at the time of labeling and administration;
- administrators can access a centralized interface to measure keyword usage (most used, unused, etc.);
- administrators can force keywords to be displayed: all lowercase, ALL UPPERCASE, with upper-case initials or with only the first letter capitalized.
- dashboard: distribution of resources by proprietary workgroup ;
- batch editing of attribute language now takes into account Esri's implementation of text types;
- custom error pages in case of application problems (instead of basic http pages).
- CSW client integrated into API V1.
- GitBook updated to version 2.6.6 ;
- Updated with 2.15 features.
2.14 - 18/12/15¶
Consult :
- finalization of version 1, ready for public release.
- redesign of event display in data history ;
- context-sensitive help via an icon next to each edit form field.
- taking account of moved or renamed data.
2.13 - 16/10/15¶
Consult :
- optimization of queries and response times.
- iNSPRE-compliant service metadata :
- advanced tab added: available formats correspond to the 6 known Isogeo implementations. These formats can be filtered. Based on the format, the service type and category are automatically entered in the XML. Note: if the format, version, type and category of service are already entered as keywords, we recommend deleting them to improve readability;
- geography tab added: "Map" section only;
- quality tab added: compliance with specifications. Specifications for Inspire services have not yet been added;
- rename the "Resource location" field to "Service URL". Please note: this is the GetCapabilities URL for the service, and Isogeo will automatically fill it in with the appropriate parameters. Don't be surprised if Isogeo modifies the URL you've entered - it's for its own good;
- xML download link in the "Resources" tab;
- data history enrichment ;
- Improved input of attribute types ;
- Error page for slow connections ;
- Better invitation management ;
- Enhanced resource metadata :
- added an "Advanced" tab on "Resource" type forms;
- it is possible to add any format / version => centralized base ;
- these are pseudo formats: no filter, no tag, etc. ;
- text search queries formats.
- Administration:
Installation of a search bar in all application lists (users, catalogs, entry points, etc.).
Known bug: thumbnail backgrounds are not displayed in Chrome.
- version 2.13 will be harvestable by GeoSource 3.0.1 but not by 2.11.2 ;
- GeoSIK: slight adaptation to accept "weird" (empty) parameters passed by GeoSource in HTTP requests.
- lIDAR-LAS format added;
- finer tracking of data modifications, with automatic information on modification types (geometry, attribute, right-of-way).
- Plug-in & Widget Isogeo for ArcGIS ;
- New version of the Isogeo data portal ;
- New version of the GTF extractor;
- New version of the FME extractor.
- available in English.
2.12 - 11/07/15¶
Consult :
complete overhaul of authentication :
- better in-house control of the component ;
- improved sharing with third-party applications (GéoMayenne, Open Data portals, desktop GIS connectors, etc.);
- new registration and login interface ;
- new authentication e-mails (registration, password reminder, etc.).
implementation of the View Model abstraction layer, paving the way for finer-grained models that are less tied to the database model;
- Various optimizations and improvements ;
- serialization of batch publishing ;
- optimized rights management for improved performance ;
- setting API URLs ;
- setting up automated functional tests: research and sharing.
- batch edition :
- contacts can be entered in batches ;
- ability to set attribute language by batch ;
- possibility of entering specifications by batch ;
- ability to specify topological consistency by batch.
- display the data area as a thumbnail ;
- ability to sort inventory by data modification date ;
- preloading of contacts when displaying metadata to avoid display bugs in the INSPIRE validator ;
- implementation of a non-blocking alert for browsers not officially supported ;
- removal of the "be listed as contact" option for a user account.
- aPI requests are now serialized.
Data portals :
- the possibility of creating a personalized and customizable GIS data portal based on a WordPress-type CMS ;
- data modification tracking mechanisms (e-mail notifications) ;
- functionalities linked to the animation of the GIS network.
- :
- ability to integrate OpenCatalog into WordPress ;
- search and access an ArcGIS Server map from the Isogeo catalog ;
- consult the metadata sheet directly in the map.
ArcGIS connector :
- search data catalogued in Isogeo directly in your ArcCatalog interface ;
- add the found data to your ArcMap working document (mxd).
- online help update :
- added documentation tips for each metadata field ;
- added appendices on use cases ;
- architectural documentation ;
- structuring for the arrival of context-sensitive help ;
- english version, ;
- multiple corrections.
2.11 - 27/03/15¶
Consult :
- optimization of API calls ;
- sub-resource management in the API (see associated mailing) :
- the keyword sub-resource is no longer displayed;
- new global_include parameter.
- possibility of filtering by type of associated resource ;
- possibility of filtering on empty fields ;
- attributes can be sorted ;
- lists in the Administration menu ("Users" "Catalogues" "Sharing" etc.) are sorted alphabetically;
- auto-completion in search: contextual tag suggestions (owner, catalogs, keywords, resource type, formats, coordinate systems, INSPIRE themes, actions) ;
- the toolbar automatically resizes to fit smaller resolutions: text becomes icons;
- pop-up upload limit exceeded ;
- service metadata: deletion of the "Collection context", "Collection method", "Validity period", "Comment" and "Update frequency" fields. Only events are retained;
- stable batch publishing ;
- optimized "tagging" tool (correct opening time, ability to find all keywords) ;
- the INSPIRE validator is fully functional;
- back to the EPSG:4326 coordinate system;
- deleting a resource ;
- iNSPIRE themes are no longer duplicated;
- rights :
- an editor can no longer modify the workgroup contact point;
- an editor cannot upload raw data as an associated resource;
- impossible to create a keyword if it already exists ;
- possible to assign a record from a CSW entry point to one or more catalogs.
- xML import and client :
- better specification compliance ;
- contacts, information correctly recorded in the address book ;
- the card appears in the inventory, no need to refresh the inventory;
- if the geometry is not specified, the import is carried out anyway;
- cSW client optimization and stabilization.
- redesign of the online help to create a self-contained, interactive site based on GitBook.
2.10 - 19/12/14¶
Consult :
- the blog post;
- mail sent to users;
- the webinar video presenting the main new features :
- update of the coordinate system repository ;
- added "Géostandard Schéma Régional de Cohérence Ecologique" specification;
- overhaul of the filter system, addition of an advanced search widget ;
- saving the search context = ability to return to the search from a metadata record ;
- improved pagination system: addition of the go to page X function and the possibility of choosing the number of cards to be displayed per page (20, 30 or 50);
- managing keywords in a global thesaurus ;
- overhaul of date and event management :
- 3 types of dates: one creation date, several modification dates and several revision dates;
- options for selecting the date type when creating events manually ;
- fME scan creates "modification" events.
- harmonization of the administration interface. The "Save" and "Delete" buttons have been added to all pages concerned;
- All the elements in the "Geography" tab are loaded at the same time, so you don't have to refresh the map several times.
- version 1.0.24 ;
- bug fixes ;
- support for PNG, GPx and APIC ASC formats.
2.9 - 22/09/14¶
Consult :
- ability to upload data as an associated resource,
- distinction between DXF and DWG formats,
- new types of metadata records are possible (non-geometric, resources)
- up-to-date documentation,
- filters are displayed again in alphabetical order (APP and OpenCatalog),
- dGN format was not displayed correctly,
- kML / KMZ format (1st layer only) ;
- specific to Créteil / Plaine Centrale: new type of entry point: support for SQL queries on an Oracle database;
- fME scan FME scan takes into account the renaming of an attribute field and the addition of an attribute field with no value;
Under study: batch editing and planning
2.8 - 17/07/14¶
Consult :
- newsletter subscriptions ;
- postal address field for user ;
- harmonized ergonomics (drop-down lists and administration) ;
- formats are displayed again;
- remove an INSPIRE theme ;
- minor corrections ;
- end of vignette = end of world cup.
- automatically assign new records to catalogs ;
- fME scan avoids "pseudo-duplicates" in Oracle databases (see update procedure);
- planning: deactivated before recasting.