The dashboard¶

A monitoring tool¶
Home page for administrators, it summarizes your data assets in the form of dynamic graphs and interactive metrics:
- total number of data inventoried and created by your workgroup ;
- share of data in catalogs and breakdown by catalog ;
- distribution by data type (vector or raster) ;
- distribution by format ;
- distribution by projection system ;
- breakdown by keyword ;
- breakdown by INSPIRE themes ;
- breakdown by Isogeo workgroup (owners) ;
- total number of attributes listed ;
- total number of geometric objects ;
- total number of contacts.
Each category in orange displays a different graph corresponding to the chosen metric:

Chart elements act as filtered shortcuts to the inventory. For example, in the format pie chart, clicking on one of the formats shown will take you directly to the list of data corresponding to the chosen format.
Please note
The metrics only take into account data belonging to your workgroup. Data shared with you by other groups is not represented.
The working group's point of contact ¶
These coordinates are those of the working group's global point of contact. It is assigned as the contact point for all metadata, as required by the INSPIRE directive, for example. It must be distinguished from contacts for datasets and services, which must be specified in the corresponding data sheets.
It is therefore very important to enter these coordinates by clicking on the edit icon that appears on mouse-over in the top right-hand corner of this section: