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Setting up a Windows automatic update task


The following prerequisites must be met in order to set up automatic updates on workstations:

  • Each user has read access to at least one folder (oneDrive, server folder), with no access conditions
  • Administrator write access to this folder
  • Server or workstation with Windows administrator rights supporting the task scheduler is equipped with a version of PowerShell greater than or equal to Powershell 2

Windows task scheduler support

The following versions support the task scheduler :

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000

Check your Powershell version

You can find out which version of Powershell you have by opening a Powershell terminal and typing the following command:

Get-Host | Select-Object Version

Administrator installation

Download batch file

The bat file can be found here.

Setting up the scheduled task

Prerequisites :

  • have set up an accessible shared file

To set up the scheduled task :

  • Open the task scheduler.
  • Click on Task Scheduler Library to display the list of scheduled tasks.
  • In Actions > Create task:
  • In General, select Run even if user is not logged in and Run with maximum permissions and select the correct Windows version.

  • In Triggers, create a new trigger and select At scheduled time and Each month, select :
    • month: every month ;
    • days: "Last".

  • In Actions, create a new action and select Start a program and choose the update batch file and fill in the following arguments, replacing path_to_AddIn with the absolute path to the folder containing the AddIn and log location with the absolute path to the folder containing the logs:


    "chemin_vers_AddIn" >> "localisation_des_logs\plugin_arcgis_pro_logs.txt"

  • In Settings, select Run task as soon as possible if a scheduled start is missed and Stop task if it runs for more than 1 hour and If the current task does not finish on request, force it to stop.

  • Run the task manually for the first time. Once the task has been run, check that the plugin has been retrieved from the shared folder. This step verifies the task configuration.

User configuration

The user must then configure his workstation as explained in the following section: User procedure.