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The Isogeo search engine in ArcGIS Pro is based on contextual filters. Users can use these different filters to narrow down the number of results, which are automatically displayed in the form of a list.

From there, you can consult the metadata or add the data to your map.

Text searches are performed in the text entry bar at the top of the plugin window.

Entered terms are searched within :

  • the title of the metadata record
  • file name
  • of its summary
  • its keywords
  • of its INSPIRE themes

To find out more about how the Isogeo search engine works, consult the online help.

Context-sensitive filters

Filter by keyword

To filter on a keyword, select from the dedicated drop-down list.

Other filters

All other semantic filters work in the same way (selecting a modality from a drop-down list).

All filters are interdependent (contextual). Thus, applying a filter changes the modalities available in all drop-down lists and the corresponding number of results.

Geographic filter

Results can also be filtered by map coverage.

By default, the geographic filter retrieves all data intersecting the right-of-way in question. To change this behavior, go to the "Settings" tab, choose a different operator, then relaunch the search.

Show results

When you enter text in the search bar and click on a semantic filter, the content of the other filters is updated, and the number of expected results is displayed in a button above the results display area.


When the plugin is opened, pressing this button displays the results if no filter has yet been used.

Each time a search is performed, the results are displayed in the table, paginated so as to display only as many results as the height of the window allows.

For each result, we find :

  • the title assigned to the metadata record, on hovering over which the summary is displayed
  • a label indicating the type of data
  • addition methods available for this data

Two buttons and a drop-down list are dedicated to navigating between the different results pages at the bottom of the table:

Sort results

Once displayed, results can be sorted using the two drop-down lists above the results display area.

The default sort is the relevance score (see here for details of how the score is calculated). This is the recommended sort for text searches.

When no text is entered in the search bar, the relevance score is zero for all results, and the default sorting is descending by date of creation of the metadata record.

Other sorting options are :

  • Alphabetical order
  • Metadata creation date
  • Last metadata modification date
  • Data creation date
  • Date of last data modification

The sort order can also be specified:

  • Ascendant
  • Descendant

You can reset the search form at any time by clicking on the icon next to the results display button.

Special cases

No results displayed

If no results are displayed, this may be due to a technical error related to ArcGIS Pro's lack of support for multiple rights-of-way in a JSON (API communication format).

Example of a multiple right-of-way causing this error: