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Stable version

Classic installation for standard users, via the stable channel of QGIS's integrated extension manager:

  1. Open the extension manager:"Extensions" menu >"Install/Manage extensions" ;
  2. In the"All" or"Uninstalled" tab, type "isogeo" in the search bar;
  3. Select the search result and click on"Install extension".

To keep up to date :

We recommend checking the"Check for updates at startup" option in the"Settings" tab of the extension manager:

Beta version

For test purposes, or to showcase the next version, it is possible toinstall the beta version of the plugin via the experimental channel of the QGIS extension manager.

  1. Open the extension manager:"Extensions" menu >"Install/Manage extensions" ;
  2. In the"Settings" tab, activate experimental extensions by checking the"Show experimental extensions" box:
  3. Click on "Reload deposit" ;
  4. In the"All" or"Uninstalled" tab, type "isogeo" in the search bar;
  5. Select the search result and click on"Install experimental extension extension".

Development versions

For developers or test purposes, it's possible to use versions as close to development as possible. The methods described here are intended for developers or experienced users.

Install the latest packaged version of the source code

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from its GitHub repository
  2. Uncompress the archive on your computer in the dedicated QGIS plugins directory, i.e. :

    • Windows :

    • Under Ubuntu :


Installing a development version

You can also clone the plugin repository locally in the dedicated QGIS plugins directory. The name of the destination folder must not contain any special characters.

Under Windows

cd C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins
git clone isogeo_search_engine_dev

Under Ubuntu

cd /home/%userprofile%/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins
git clone isogeo_search_engine_dev

It is also possible to clone the repository into any directory and add its path to the QGIS_PLUGINPATH environment variable.