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A 2-stage search

To take account of the Isogeo search engine (based on the principles of contextual facets) but also for performance reasons, the search is carried out in two stages:

  1. the user enters his search parameters, which narrows down the number of results;
  2. the user displays and scrolls through the list of results.

Text searches are performed in the text entry bar at the top left of the plugin's"Search" tab.

Entered terms are searched within :

  • the title of the metadata record
  • the technical name of the data
  • keywords associated with the file
  • summary of the data sheet
  • data location

Context-sensitive filters

Filter by keyword

To filter by keywords, tick one or more keywords in the dedicated drop-down list.

Geographic filter

To filter results by geographic area, choose a modality from the drop-down list. Here you can filter on :

  • Thecurrent map canvasfootprint
  • The bounding box ofone of the vector layers currently added to the project


After a vector layer is added to the project, the Isogeo plugin search engine must be reset so that this layer is proposed as an option in the geographic filter drop-down list.

By default, the geographic filter retrieves all data intersecting the right-of-way in question.

To change this behavior, go to the"Settings" tab of the Isogeo plugin, choose a different operator, then relaunch the search.

Other filters

All other semantic filters work in the same way (selecting a modality from a drop-down list). All filters are interdependent (contextual). Applying a filter changes the modalities available in all drop-down lists.

Show results

When you enter text in the search bar or use a contextual filter, the contents of the other filters are updated, and the number of expected results is displayed in the orange button.

When this button is clicked, the search results are displayed in the results table, paginated so as never to display more than 10 results simultaneously.

For each result, we find :

  • the title of the metadata record
  • the date on which the data was last modified
  • an icon representing its geometry type
  • addition methods available for this data

Two buttons at the bottom of the table are dedicated to navigation between the different results pages:

Sort results

Once displayed, results can be sorted using the two drop-down lists to the right of the results display button. The first allows you to choose the sort criterion, and the second the sort direction.

The default sort is the relevance score (see here for details of how the score is calculated). This is the recommended sort for text searches.

The other sorting criteria available are :

  • "Alphabetical order
  • "Data modified" (date data was last modified)
  • "Data created" (date of data creation)
  • "Modified metadata" (date metadata was last modified)
  • "Metadata created" (date metadata created)

To reset the results and values of all filters, simply press the button above the search results display panel.