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AzureAD application setup

You can manage Portal user authentication directly from your AzureAD Active Directory.

  1. From the Azure Portal home page, go to "Other Services" and select "Application registration": Azure Services

  2. Register a new application using the configuration below Register an application

  3. Retrieve the following information:

    • Application ID (sometimes called "client ID")
    • Directory ID (sometimes called "tenant") Application details
  4. Create a new customer secret in the Certificates & secrets menu:


This element can only be read and copied/pasted immediately after it has been created. It cannot then be retrieved, the only solution being to create a new client secret.

Create a new secret

  1. Open the Authentication menu
  2. Add a Web platform
  3. Specify login and logout url(s) and check the Access tokens box (used for implicit flows):

URL configuration

  1. Enter the information retrieved (Directory ID, Application ID and Client Secret) in the Portal's general parameters, choosing the Azure AD authentication type Configuring Azure AD settings in the back office You can also choose to retain the Portal's native authentication system. Both solutions will be offered on the front-end. Connecting to Azure AD on the front line

  2. For the token to be activated and all users to be able to log in, an AzureAD administrator user must first log in to the Portal.