This menu allows you to write articles about GIS. You can create, edit or delete articles and sort them by category.
Existing items¶
This is where you'll find a list of all the articles you've written. A search bar (on the name) and a pagination system have been implemented. You can edit an article or delete one or more if required.
Editing an article¶
To create an article, simply click on Edit article
in the access menu. To edit an existing item, simply select it from the previous menu.
The article editing menu therefore has 4 tabs.
Main info¶
This tab is used to complete the information contained in the item presentation label on the item presentation page.
- Visual: Insert an image using the portal's integrated file manager.
- Title: New Dataviz module!
- Date : 01/10/2019
- Summary: Data is one thing, representing it is another. To go beyond the limits of a purely textual display, we've prepared several examples of graphical visualizations of your geographic data.
- Category: General
Meta-tags improve search engine ranking for public portals. Mandatory fields are in bold.
- Title: The title field is the one that appears in the browser's title or tab bar.
- Example: New Dataviz module!
- Keywords: Keywords must be separated by commas.
- Example: data, dataviz, geographic data, isogeo, portal, catalog
- Description: The description field is the one that appears in the search engine results page.
- Example: This page presents the new Isogeo portal data-visualization feature.
Article body¶
The article body lets you write the news content using the integrated WYSIWYG editor.
This content can be found on the page dedicated to news, along with the main information entered previously (see example below).
This tab is used to manage news publication.
- This article is a draft: If not, the article is published on the news page for authorized groups.
- Authorized groups: select user groups authorized to view news.
- Publication start date: Select a date from which the news item will be visible on the portal.
- Publication end date: Select a date after which the news item will no longer be visible on the portal.
- Display on home page: If yes, the news is displayed in the selection widget on the home page. (see Widget on home page)
Category management ¶
List of existing categories¶
This menu allows you to create categories to organize your items. By default, the General
category is created and assigned to all your items.
Category editing¶
To create a new category, click on New entry
then edit the name before saving. To edit an existing category, click on the category in the previous list, then edit the name before saving.
The General
category cannot be edited or deleted.
Assigning a category to an item¶
In the article content editor, Main information tab, you can select the relevant category.
Front-office results¶
Widget on home page ¶
A "Slider" widget is automatically generated on the home page containing published news items. You can scroll through the news by holding and releasing the left mouse click.
News presentation page ¶
One page groups together all news items. By default, the portal is set up so that this page is accessible from the "News" menu on the home page. From this page, you can read the news with a single click!