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This widget lets you display the various GIS partners within your organization. You can create and modify partners and manage their display order.

Existing partners

This menu displays a list of all partners. A search bar (on the name) and a pagination system have been implemented. You can edit a partner, or delete one or more, if required.

"Existing partners" menu

Partner editing

To create a partner, simply click on Edit partner in the access menu. To edit an existing partner, simply select it from the previous menu.

"Edit a partner

The partner edit menu therefore has 4 tabs.


Meta-tags improve search engine ranking for public portals. Mandatory fields are in bold.

  • Title: The title field is the one that appears in the browser's title or tab bar.
  • Keywords: Keywords must be separated by commas.
  • Description: The description field is the one that appears in the search engine results page.

Title & visual

This tab lets you manage the application title and the visual in the Partners widget on the home page.

  • Icon: Insert an image using the portal's integrated file manager. Feel free to retrieve them from those proposed by Isogeo in the logos directory
    • Example: Partner logo
  • Title: Partner name
    • Example: Isogeo
  • Category: Category in which the partner will be grouped on the front page

Page body

The page body allows you to write the content of the page presenting the partner, using the integrated WYSIWYG editor.


This tab is used to manage the partner's publication.

  • This form is a draft. if not, the application is published in the portal and accessible from the partner widget for authorized groups.
  • Authorized groups: select the user groups authorized to view the partner.

Managing order

This menu lets you easily change the order in which partners are displayed. Simply select a partner and drag and drop before or after the others. Don't forget to save using the button at the bottom right of the page.


Only published partners are displayed in this menu.

"Change the order in which partners are displayed"

Category management

You can create several categories so that partners are separated on the home page widget and the partner page.

For each category, you can specify its name and the text and background colors to be displayed on the widget and partner page.

Front-office results

Widget on home page

"Partner widget - front side

Partner presentation page

"Partner presentation - front side