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This widget allows you to present the themes of this portal. You can add or modify themes and manage their display order.

Existing themes

This menu displays a list of all themes. A search bar (on the name) and a pagination system have been implemented. You can edit a theme, or delete one or more, if required.

"Existing theme menu

Theme editing

To create a theme, simply click on Edit theme in the access menu. To edit an existing theme, simply select it from the previous menu. The editor allows you to modify the following fields (those in bold are mandatory):

  • Icon: You can add a custom icon using the portal's integrated file manager. Feel free to use the icons suggested by Isogeo in the Icons media manager folder.
  • Title
  • Data catalog: By entering the identifier of a catalog containing data shared with the portal, you can automatically direct the portal user to the data in the catalog entered.
  • Keywords: By entering a keyword from the list of keywords assigned to metadata records shared with the portal, you can automatically direct portal users to metadata records containing the chosen keyword.
  • Inspire themes: By entering an Inspire theme from the list of Inspire themes assigned to metadata records shared with the portal, you can automatically direct portal users to metadata records containing the chosen Inspire theme.
  • Themes: By entering a theme from the list of working group themes assigned to metadata records shared with the portal, you can automatically direct portal users to metadata records containing the chosen theme.
  • Check box to activate draft mode, which allows you not to publish the theme.
  • Authorized groups: select the user groups authorized to view the theme.


If you enter several filter parameters, the search will be a combination of these parameters.

"Edit a theme

Managing order

This menu lets you simply change the order in which themes are displayed. Simply select a theme and drag and drop it before or after the others. Don't forget to save using the button at the bottom right of the page.


Only published themes are displayed in this menu.

"Change the order in which themes are displayed"

Front-office results

Widget on home page

The themes are therefore "clickable", allowing users to be directed directly to filtered searches.

"Thematic widget - front side

Result of clicking on a theme

Here are the results of the click on the Sports facilities theme.

"Search filtered by clicking on a theme"