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This menu lets you manage the pages you wish to integrate into your portal as iFrames. You can create, modify and delete iFrames.

existing iFrames

This menu displays a list of all iFrames. A search bar (on the name) and a pagination system have been implemented. You can edit an iFrame or delete them in batches.

"Existing iFrames" menu

Editing an iFrame

To create an iFrame, simply click on Edit iFrame in the access menu. To edit an existing iFrame, simply select it from the previous menu. In both cases, you can use the custom editor, whose fields are as follows ( bold indicates mandatory fields):

Main info

  • Title: iFrame name
  • URL: URL of the page to be integrated


  • Title: iFrame name
  • Keywords: Keywords for page referencing
  • Description: iFrame mini-summary


  • Section: Select the site menu where you want to integrate the iFrame.
  • Authorized groups: select the user groups authorized to view the iFrame.
  • This iFrame is a draft: If not, the iFrame is published for authorized groups.

"Edit an iFrame

Front-office results

In this example, we wanted to integrate our demo Web App Builder widget in an iFrame. Here's the result:

"iFrame page integration - front side