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This menu allows you to manage the site's footer pages, or any other page not configurable in the previous menus. You can create, modify and delete pages, and add them to the footer if required.

Existing pages

This menu displays a list of all edited pages. A search bar (on the name) and a pagination system have been implemented. You can edit a page or delete a batch of pages.

"Existing pages" menu

Page editing

To create a new page, simply click on Edit page in the access menu. To edit an existing page, simply select it from the previous menu.

"Edit a page

The article editing menu therefore has 5 tabs.

Main info

This tab is used to complete the page header.

  • Title: Page title
    • Example: About Géoportail!
  • Introductory paragraph: Paragraph below the title that introduces the subject of the page.
    • Example: Based on the Isogeo API, this data portal illustrates the many possibilities offered by the Isogeo platform for managing and enhancing geographic data. In addition to the classic functionalities of consulting a data catalog, it is possible to rely on collaborative and participative mechanisms to animate a network of actors, specialists or not, around one's digital heritage. This portal is a non-contractual demonstration version, which also serves as a test platform for new features developed for Isogeo customers and partners.


Meta-tags improve search engine ranking for public portals. Mandatory fields are in bold.

  • Title: The title field is the one that appears in the browser's title or tab bar.
    • Example: About Géoportail
  • Keywords: Keywords must be separated by commas.
    • Example: portal, cataloguing, geographic data, isogeo, sig, api
  • Description: The description field is the one that appears in the search engine results page.
    • Example: Based on the Isogeo API, this data portal illustrates the many possibilities offered by the Isogeo platform for managing and enhancing geographic data.

Page body

The page body allows you to write the page content using the integrated WYSIWYG editor.

"Example of page body in the back office"

See also

This is the page footer, and can also be edited using the integrated WYSIWYG editor.

"Example of a "see also" page in the back office"


The "See also" title is added automatically (see screenshot below)


This tab is used to manage news publication.

  • Section: Select the site menu where you want to integrate the page.
  • Authorized groups: select the user groups authorized to view the page.
  • This page is a draft: If not, the page is published for authorized groups.

Front-office results

Here's the result of the "About Géoportail" page example with the above configuration.

"Sample page - Front" side