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.env generation

The .env file contains the environment variables required to install the Isogeo On-premises solution. The "Generate .env " page allows you to generate the .env file by pre-filling it with the values indicated in the various fields on the page, while respecting the text structure required by the installer.

Field documentation

Complete the form on the "Generate .env" page so that the values are pre-filled when the .env is generated.

When a field is completed, the .env completion bar is partially completed in one of the following two colors:

  1. Red: the value indicated does not respect the requested format;
  2. Blue: The value shown complies with the requested format.

.env generation page progress bar

Download .env

To download the .env, simply click on the "Download .env" button. The message "Form incomplete" will appear when the form is incomplete. Click on "Download anyway" if necessary.

Download anyway

Rename the downloaded text file

The .env file is downloaded in .txt format. In order for the file to be valid, it must be renamed and its extension modified using the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the file env.txt;
  2. Click on "Rename" ;
  3. Rename the file to .env, removing the .txt extension;

The file is ready to be used with the installer when installing the Isogeo On-premises solution. By default, it should be stored in the installer's root directory.