Export scanned data or services¶
Download .xlsx
To export data and services :
- Go to the page of the query to be exported.
- Once completed, an "Export" button will be available.
- Then click on "Export data"
Contents of .xlsx
Data audit (files or databases)¶
The .xlsx
file is made up of several tabs (see example here):
- Tab
which covers all vector data and contains the following columns :vectorDataset
data name,name
data location,path
vector, Raster or Non-Geo,formatType
data format,formatShort
format version,formatVersion
number of entities,numberOfFeatures
type of data geometry,geometry
coordinate system,coordsys
envelope in geojson format,envelope
list of attributes,attributes
data status (ignored or not),status
error in documentation, if any,error
exclusion criterion(s) (folder / schema, file name / table name, format).exclusionCause
- Tab
which covers all raster data and contains the following columns :rasterDataset
data name,name
data location,path
vector, Raster or Non-Geo,formatType
data format,formatShort
format version,formatVersion
coordinate system,coordsys
envelope in geojson format,envelope
bounding box for data in geojson format,bbox
number of bands,bands_count
number of columns,cols_count
number of lines,rows_count
data status (ignored or not),status
error in documentation, if any,error
exclusion criterion(s) (folder / schema, file name / table name, format).exclusionCause
- Tab
which covers all data without geographical entities and contains the following columns :noGeoDataset
data name,name
data location,path
vector, Raster or Non-Geo,formatType
data format,formatShort
format version,formatVersion
number of entities,numberOfFeatures
coordinate system,coordsys
list of attributes,attributes
data status (ignored or not),status
error in documentation, if any.error
Detection of non-geographical character
Please note that the vectorDataset
Cause of exclusion
The exclusion criteria are indicated in the field exclusionCause
Auditing ArcGIS Server services¶
The .xlsx
file is made up of several tabs:
- The tab
tab lists the various services with the following information:Services
service name,name
service file,folder
service URL,url
service format,formatShort
service version,formatVersion
service title,title
service summary,abstract
list of service keywords separated by commaskeywords
list of available operations,operations
service envelope in geojson format in WGS84,envelope
list of layers,layers
table list,tables
: Indicates if the service is ignored,status
exclusion criterion(s) where applicable (file, name, format).exclusionCause
- The
tab lists the layers of the various services with the following information:Layers
url of the service from which the layer originates,url
layer Id,id
layer title,title
layer type (tabular or geographic),type
id of the mother layer,mother_id
name of published data,targetDatasetName
format of published data.targetDatasetFormat