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Export audit statistics

For advice on how to use these metrics, please contact support.

Download .xlsx file

To export data and services :

  • Go to the page of the query to be exported.
  • Once completed, an "Export" button will be available.
  • Then click on "Export statistics"
Export data

Contents of .xlsx file

Data audit (files or databases)

The .xlsx file is made up of several tabs (see example here):

  • Global global information (number of data detected, data in error, empty data and ignored data).
  • Formats distribution of detected data between different formats.
  • Geometries (available if vector data are present): distribution of detected data between different types of geometry (point, linear, etc.).
  • Schemas (available for database entry points): distribution of detected data between different schemas.
  • Folders (available for file entry points): distribution of detected data between folders.
  • Attributes (available with vector data): list of attributes to detect recurrence.
  • Duplicates (available if duplicates have been detected): list of data pairs that could be duplicates. There are two types of duplicates:
    • The "structure" type for data with all the following characteristics in common:
      • format,
      • attributes (vector data only),
      • number of entities (vector data only),
      • entity geometry type (vector data only),
      • bands (raster data only),
      • number of columns (raster data only),
      • number of lines (raster data only),
      • the coordinate system (or lack thereof),
      • and the envelope.
    • The "name" type for data with the same name, in addition to having all the above-mentioned characteristics in common.
  • DatasetsWithDuplicates (available if duplicates have been detected): This tab shows duplicates of the "structure" type (see tab Duplicatestab), but presents them differently. The table contains one line per data item, i.e. one line per duplicate.

    The column duplicateId column indicates the duplicate identifier (all copies of the same duplicate will have the same value in this column). The column count column indicates the number of copies of the duplicate. Columns name, location, format and dataType columns contain information about each data item.

Data taken into account in each tab

The following 4 tabs cover all the data detected by Audit, including those that have been ignored or whose documentation has failed:

  • Global
  • Formats
  • Schemas
  • Folders

The next 3 tabs cover successfully documented data that has not been ignored, as well as data that has been successfully documented but ignored as non-geographic:

  • Attributes
  • Duplicates
  • DatasetsWithDuplicates

Finally, the Geometries tab covers only successfully documented vector data that has not been ignored.