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Use cases

We've identified several use cases for the Resources page that will help you administer, manage and monitor your data assets and associated catalog.

Display information on data modifications

The resources page provides a concise tabular display of modifications to all scanned data. In particular, you can view the list of data modified during the last scan, filtered by the status of the data at the time of the last scan (Modified and Structure Modified).

For more information on modifications, you can activate the following columns in the "Advanced settings" tab:

  • Feature difference: The column displays the feature difference between the last two scans.
  • Entity difference (%): This column gives an idea of the extent of entity changes between the previous and last scan.
  • Added and deleted attributes: One column shows the number of attributes added, another shows the number of attributes deleted. By unfolding the data, you can see the details of added and deleted attributes.
  • Difference in attributes: This column displays the difference in attributes between the data at the last scan and the data at the previous scan.

For each of these columns, values can be sorted in ascending or descending order, to quickly identify the data that has undergone the most changes.

Identify the data that has undergone the most changes in its number of entities

For example, by sorting by descending Entity (%), you can quickly identify data that has been purged. By reversing the sorting, you can detect data that has been heavily filled.

Identify purged data

Identify data with new attributes to document

By filtering on Structure modified status, only data that has had attributes added or deleted is displayed. Clicking on the data detail displays a list of added and deleted attributes. You can sort the Attribute column to display the data with the most attribute modifications. You can then click on the link to the record to document the new attributes detected.

Identify data with new attributes

Identify resources that are no longer detected in the database and remove them from the catalog

A resource no longer exists in your holdings and you want to easily remove its metadata record from the catalog?

By default, these resources are highlighted in red in the table. You can open the metadata record and delete it from the catalog. It will then appear as deleted in the table on the Resources page. You can then remove it from the list(Action button: Remove from list) if you no longer wish to see it displayed in the table.

However, an advanced settings filter makes it even easier to retrieve them. To do this, simply :

  1. Open the Advanced Settings tab;
  2. deactivate the display condition "at least one of its entry points has moved up in the last scan", leaving only the condition "all its entry points have not moved up in the last scan " activated;
  3. return to the Resources tab: from now on, all resources displayed in the table are resources that are no longer scanned.

Display resources that are no longer scanned

Identify resources that haven't been scanned for a long time and could benefit from a new scan

The Resources page also helps you keep track of scan frequency. It makes it easy to retrieve the date of the last scan of individual resources. This makes it easy to find resources that have not been scanned for some time.

To do this:

  1. Select all possible statuses;
  2. select the date of the last scan;
  3. select a time period for the last scan date.

Display resources that have not been scanned for some time

These resources should be scanned again to ensure that the metadata record is up to date. For data, simply click on the link to the last query in the table or the link to the entry point in the data details, then click on the Scan button.

For services, contact your dedicated project manager to carry out an additional survey as part of the ArcGIS Server Services Scan service.

Identify scanned resources without a corresponding catalog record

To detect scanned resources that have no or no longer any record in the inventory. In the Advanced Settings tab :

  1. Open the Advanced Settings tab;
  2. add the "Link to file" column ;
  3. deactivate the "present in catalog" display condition, leaving only the "not present in catalog " condition activated;
  4. return to the Resources tab: only resources without corresponding catalog entries will be displayed.

Display resources without a catalog entry

This may involve resources:

  • whose record has been manually deleted. If this is not already the case and the data has no use in cataloguing, it must be excluded from the scan ("Actions" button > "Exclude/Manage exclusions" from the Resources page) so that its record is not recreated during the next scan.
    • These resources have the link to their file indicated as "Deleted".
    • To see only non-excluded data, you can combine this with the condition "excluded in all entry points that have already scanned it" in the advanced settings.
  • whose creation did not work correctly. Rescan the entry point and contact Isogeo support if the problem persists, indicating the name of the corresponding data.
    • Nothing is indicated in the "File" column

Easily find the entry point(s) that scan(s) a data item to scan or exclude it

To scan data, you need to know from which input point(s) it is being scanned. Depending on the number of entry points, this is not always obvious. It is therefore possible to retrieve the information from the resource list:

  1. Search data using available filters (text search, format search, etc.)
  2. Click on the required data
  3. Retrieve the list of entry points. Restart the scan from the selected entry point. For your information, it is possible to use an inclusion criterion to scan only the corresponding data.
  4. You can also exclude data from entry points that "shouldn't" scan it ("Actions" button > "Exclude/Manage exclusions") Find entry points and manage exclusions
  5. A popup window opens to select the entry point where to apply the exclusion. Only entry points where no other exclusion criteria (format, folder, schema) already exclude the data are proposed.
  6. Select the corresponding entry point and click on Exclude. Exclude from an entry point

Export scan query results

To export the result of an entry point's last query in csv format :

  1. Select the entry point for this query in the filters
  2. Click on the Export search button Export a query
  3. A CSV file is generated containing all columns, regardless of those activated in Advanced Settings. Exported picture