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The Isogeo search widget opens when the catalog icon is clicked: or automatically when the application is loaded, if this option was checked when the widget was added (see Add widget to an AppBuilder Web application).

Two search modes are available:

  • standard
  • advanced

By default, only the text search field and sorting options (alphabetical order of titles and metadata update date) are displayed. Text search works in the same way as for other applications using the Isogeo API (see Text search).

By clicking on the Advanced filters drop-down link, additional search options are displayed according to the Widget configuration:

  • Keyword filter: By selecting a keyword, the list displays only metadata containing that keyword.
  • Filter by workgroup themes: Idem
  • FIltre by theme Inspire: Ditto
  • Filter by format: Idem
  • Filter on current map extent: Only data whose convex envelopes are contained within the map area is displayed.
  • Filter on selection: Use the paintbrush to build a rectangular right-of-way on the map. This time, only the data whose convex envelopes are contained in the captured right-of-way is displayed.
  • Restrict to viewable data: Show only data that can be added to the map.
  • Restrict to downloadable data: Display only data with a download link in the metadata record.