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Adding the Widget to an Experience Builder application

  1. Log on to Portal as administrator ;
  2. Go to the Content tab;
  3. Creating an Experience Builder application ;
  4. Select a model ;
  5. Add the Isogeo widget from the Insert a Widget menu in the Custom section; "Add the widget to an application
  6. The widget configuration file can be edited directly from the Portal interface. The configuration will only apply to the application (see Other possible configurations).


We recommend integrating the Isogeo Widget into the Sidebar Widget with the map for optimum layout.

Other possible configurations

You can also modify the following parameters:

  • dataset-only: If set to true, only non-geographic raster, vector and tabular records will be proposed. Otherwise, service records and resource records will also be proposed in the search
  • addMapServiceLayerAsFeatureLayer: Add data to the map as a service or as a layer. In the first case, the entire Map Service is added to the map when a layer is added. This makes it possible to display certain symbologies that are not displayed in FeatureLayer.
  • zoomOnAddedLayer: Zoom the map to the service layer's footprint after it has been added.
  • proxyApiUrl: Url of the proxy managing calls to the Isogeo API (reserved for the Isogeo team)
  • useToken:
    • If set to true, the Widget will call the Isogeo-hosted proxy set above.
    • Otherwise, it will call the API directly, using the share identifier and token set afterwards.
  • share: share identifier for local installation
  • token: security token identifier for local installation
  • filter-owner: Display filter on owner
  • filter-thematic: Show filter on themes
  • filter-keyword: Display filter on keywords
  • filter-thematic-inspire: Show filter on Inspire themes
  • filter-type: Display resource type filter
  • filter-format: Display format filter
  • filter-coordinates: Display filter on map extent
  • filter-actions: Display filter on possible actions (View, Download or Other)
  • filter-licences: Show license filter
  • filter-contacts: Show filter on contacts
  • relationGeo: geometric parameter for right-of-way searches sent to the Isogeo API (reserved for the Isogeo team)


For your information, the portal will automatically load the configuration entered in the catalog/config.json file each time the widget is added to a new Experience Builder application. In an existing application, check that the user has not modified the widget configuration.

Add icon to Widget controller

If you want to add the Widget to the Experience Builder controller widget, you'll need to add a PNG-format icon. To do this :

  1. Open the PNG icon at this link, then right-click, save image as.
  2. Click on the Catalog icon which is not displayed in the controller. "Modify icon in widget controller"
  3. Click on the Catalog icon.
  4. In My icons, click on the +.
  5. Import icon as PNG. "Import icon into widget controller"