
Report an issue

If you get an error message or notice unusual behaviour, here's what you can do :

  • check in this documentation that the problem encountered has not already been documented ;)

  • look at the Isogeo tab in the QGIS message window :

"Open the QGIS message window"
Fig. 29 : "Open the QGIS message window"

If the problem persists, report it in a new Issue by clicking on the dedicated button (red megaphone) in the Settings tab, attaching :

  • a screenshot of the Isogeo tab of the QGIS messages window

  • and most importantly the log_isogeo_plugin.log file located in the _logs folder of the plugin installation folder. To access it, simply click on the dedicated button in the Settings tab (to the left of the red megaphone) :

    "Settings -log and report button"
    Fig. 30 : "Settings -log and report button"

    You can also access it from the QGIS plugin directory:

    • 3.x plugin version (QGIS 3): C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins\isogeo_search_engine\_log for Windows or /home/%userprofile%/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/isogeo_search_engine/_log for Ubuntu

    • 1.x plugin version (QGIS 2): C:\Users\%userprofile%\.qgis2\python\plugins\isogeo_search_engine\_log for Windows or /home/%userprofile%/.qgis2/python/plugins/isogeo_search_engine/_log for Ubuntu

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